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[at-l] LL Bean-

In a message dated 1/25/04 8:25:35 PM, TrailR@aol.com writes:

> So do I, I wear it all the time. It's great stuff (and they have a great
> return policy).
> But it isn't exactly thruhiker gear.

Do you mean to tell us that you do not wear fleece or wicking long johns or 
nylon/synthetic shorts or windbreaker?   You don't use gloves or balaclava.   
Do you avoid cold rainy conditions?   I don't see how you can see no use for at 
least some LL Bean products.   Their Cresta boots are very popular with some 
thru hikers.   I know most of their products would not be used on a trhu hike 
but that is true for many of the other suppliers of outdoor clothing and gear.