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[at-l] PA RUCK Food List #3


We're doing great on the assignment list. Friday night dinner has been all assigned. We still need the following items. You can assign yourself anything you'd like-variety is wonderful. Please send your assignment(s) to email address:  ATrailHiker@adelphia.net

This is what we still need:
For Saturday lunch:
soups-we only have 1 soup and 1 chili

For Saturday dinner:
Meat(s) -we only have 1 ham and 2 roasting chickens
Hot dishes - Casseroles, stroganoffs, stews w & w/o meat
Cold/salad dishes
Ethnic dishes
Any type of dish-whatever you'd like to bring :)
Foil, saran wrap, large trash bags, napkins
Coffee creamer-no generic powders please-Coffee Mate and/or Cremora-regular and lite
Decaf coffee
Breakfast-you are on you own-no one has volunteered to bring anything in 
Desserts -ANY DESSERTS whether store bought or whatever. Don't forget the bake-off, anything goes! 

This is what we have already: 
Jim & Ginny Owens-Butane Stove, Coffee pot, Green or fruit salad, Dessert non-bakeoff

Jennifer Shirk: Cookies and/or cake, coffee creamer

Sloetoe: Honey baked ham

Gary Roberts: 6 loaves of garlic bread, cold pasta dish, Homemade carrot cake-

Camo Jack-paper plates,Cheesecake & Key Lime Pie 

RockDancer-Chili for Saturday lunch 

Denise Hill/Ladybug is bringing: Turkey chowder for Saturday lunch, beef stroganoff for Saturday dinner, ethnic dessert, homemade breads to accompany her dishes

Marsha-Meatballs, Italian sausage, sauce, pasta cheeses, 2 large roasting chickens, desserts

T.T.-Pasta for Friday night

Amy S.-5 lb sugar, bowls, plastic utensils

Chase-100 paper plates, 100 pcs. eating utensils

Alan Shorb- 2 cans Coffee, cookies

Thank you!
