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[at-l] Body Comp

HopLite, I'm one of those skinny dudes without much excess to lose. To
compensate for that at the start I was eating more than I wanted to...
figuring that if I got behind the curve I would never catch up. Turns out I
lost about 6 lbs down south, but by the time I got to Maine I not only had
recovered those six but gained six more on top of that. (BTW, the gain was,
of course, muscle weight...)
Of course the pizza joints, delis, Ben + Jerry's, and AYCE places all
helped with this <g>.
So as long as you pay attention to what you eat and make sure you get
enough of it there shouldn't be a problem.

What you may find more of a problem is that after the trail, before your
appetite has shrunk and your stomach still rules, that for the first time
in your life you may have the problem of putting too much weight on...
