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[at-l] MATC and Windmills

--- rick boudrie <rickboudrie@hotmail.com> wrote:
> " MATC, which for decades fought involvement in political
> matters, last week voted to spend $25,000 scarce dollars to
pose a credible battle against an industrial wind tower complex
along the trail. " 
> ___________________________
> 100 years from now (I am an optimist).  Do you think they
would be more grateful to hear that we fought for windmills in
Maine that> generated a small amount of electicity (all the
while we were driving our SUVs), or that we left them the kind
of vistas that so many hikers love, but take for granted, today?

### Myself, I think, whether anybody at the table will be
grateful or not, it will be better for the future if we
demonstrate the efficiency, durability, and ultimately the
economic viability, of windmills and other forms of
inexhaustible or "renewable" generation that are less polluting
than the thermal units which provide 94% of US electricity. I
would much rather have a clear view of a windmill than befogged
view of barren ridge rank with rotting trees from acid
deposition. (Because even with the *continuing* path of
decreasing acid precursors by power plants, there is still more
than enough going up to mar viewsheds and twist already acid
bioms into death.) I would much rather hear my Cole complain of
the windmills in a clear voice than wheeze satisfaction at a
feinted wilderness. Will the Maine windmills bring about "clean,
clear air" all by themselves? I don't believe that, but it's a
start; markets work with knowledge.

### Well, Rick, that's my say. My opinion. You and I disagree.
But as far as I know, the world is still turning, and, well,
I'll respect you in the morning.....


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