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[at-l] Veteran's Day 2003

And I never understood why the family of the Vietnam unknown wanted him
identified and reburied.
To know that my loved one was in such a sacred place would have been the
biggest honor of all.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "efield" <efield@charter.net>
To: <at-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 4:07 PM
Subject: [at-l] Veteran's Day 2003

In Arlington National Cemetary stands a a marble sarcophagus, carved from a
single 50 ton block of white marble. The first remains were placed in the
tomb 11 November 1921.
On March 25, 1926 orders were sent down directing the formation of an armed
military guard at the Tomb, during daylight hours only. On April 9, 1932 the
guard was increased in size, and ordered to begin 24 hour shifts. It has
been gaurded 24 hours a day by the Old Gaurd of the 3rd Infantry Division
ever since.

The Sentinels Creed
My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted.
In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter.
And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.
Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the
I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability.
It is he who commands the respect I protect.
His bravery that made us so proud.
Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day alone in the thoughtful peace of
this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance.

The panel of the front, facing the City of Washington and the Potomac, has
carved upon the marble a composition of three figures commemorative of the
spirit of the Allies in the War. In the center of the panel stands
"Victory", with her palm branch to reward the devotion and sacrifice that
went with courage to make the cause of righteousness triumphant; on one side
a male figure symbolizes "Valor" and on the other stands "Peace." Each of
the sides is divided into three panels by Doric Pilasters, in each panel of
which is carved an inverted wreath. On the back appears the inscription
"Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God". This is
the only inscription appearing on the Tomb.

On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, the president places a
wreath in front of the tomb.

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