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[at-l] put a cork in it

"Bob C." wrote:

> Ah, Amber. As near as I can calculate, Jim and I both have posted about 11
> messages each from Labor Day through now or about two a day. Half of mine and
> one or two of Jim's were responses to a legitimate question about the use of
> eminent domain to acquire the trail.

	Bob, it's tiresome. Statistics, oddly enough, do not make it less
tiresome. Even Jim knows this; he alluded to something to that effect in
one of his posts (or perhaps more, since I'm just skimming these days).
Yet he continues.

	You and Jim are a couple of the list's elders, and could be among our
'AT Statesmen'. You have both demonstrated the ability and the passion
previously. These past few weeks have not, however, been among either of
your finer moments.

	The least you could do is take the route of mature behavior and move
any message with personal attacks to private e-mail. To help you decide
which might qualify, may I suggest that you could start with any which
purport to describe 'what liberals are like' or 'what conservatives are
like'. Perhaps these descriptions have a place at other times, but
currently they are just excuses for further sniping. 

	If you do not wish to lose the chance to post 'legitimate responses' to
the list, excise the insults from your message and post that. This is
something a few other list members should do as well...

	And no, no YMMV, IMHO, etc. this time.


It is our attitude toward free thought and free expression that will
determine our fate. There must be no limit on the range of temperate
discussion, no limits on thought. No subject must be taboo. No censor
must preside at our assemblies. 
	William O. Douglas 
