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[at-l] To buy now or wait.. tis the question

You buy the gear now and get to know its strengths and weaknesses.  You may
need to back up and replace some items anyway as your hike approaches.
Something lighter, mor feature filled, or better in some way will come out
in the last minutes anyway.  BUT? will you want or need to make the changes?

After all the discussions and experimenting, I still anticipate using my 30
year old SVEA 123 stove on a through hike.  Why?  Because it works for me.
I may change, but not with out growing pains.  (Yes I have tried the Soda
Can Stoves, the Zip, Sterno derivatives and decendents and pot cozys.)

Bottom line, you will have to develop a system that works for you.  You
should also be open to other methods that might work for you.  For most, a
through hike is a growth experience, even down to the gear used.

Black Wolfe

> Do I buy the gear now or do I wait till I am closer to my start date?
> waiting closer... how much closer?