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[at-l] AT Trail System

One of the Penn-NY options is to pick up NCT, which runs concurrent with
the Finger Lakes Trail in NY. Follow the FLT east to it's terminus in the
Catskills, and you're standing on the Long Path. Follow the LP south to
High Point NJ and you're standing on the AT. If they get the NCT built
through the Adirondacks it's official terminus will be at (I believe) Crown
Point, NY (How'd they pick that???). Anyway, that's near Rutland, and it
would be fairly easy to road walk and tie into LT side trails to pick up
either the AT or the LT. There's even some more options in Canada; the "Les
Sentiers de L'Estries" runs north from the Vermont-Quebec border for 90
miles (an even more northen LT...). There's a pretty new trail in NH called
the Cohos Trail that runs from Crawford Notch up to the Canadian border,
and there's talk of an extension trail into a Canadian Park (I'm not even
going to try to spell it), umm, from the Cohos Trail website: "Certainly,
we will finish the trail north to the
Canadian border. Then we hope to link with the Sentiers frontaliers of Lac
Megantic, Quebec to reach Mont Megantic at Notre Dame du Bois." If we could
only get them to link back to the Sentiers de L'Estries you'd have one hike
(you know, I wanted to type heck, but I like that typo... <vbg> ) of a side
BTW, having hiked the Sentier de L'Estries, I'm willing to testify that
"Sentier Ferme" is NOT the name of a local trail.  (For the language
challenged like me, try "Trail Closed"). I managed to follow blazes right
into the middle of a clear cut, where - needless to say - they disappeared.
I think that's the only time in all my hiking where I actually needed to
use my compass.
