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[at-l] Winter Backpacking Tips

ahh - memories from my pyro childhood . . . we used to have "match wars"
with these kinds of matches . . . hold one like you are going to "kick a
field goal" in paper football, with the head against the strike surface
on the side of the box, one finger on the other end to hold it there,
and using the other hand's fingers to snap your middle finger against
the side of the [wooden] match stick, about 1/3 above the head end . . .
one could achieve great distances with a bit of practice! :)

The ultimate weapon in this crazy game were the long striking windproof
and waterproof wooden matches!

Needless to say, I don't recommend trying this, but it sure was fun as
heck back in "the old days!"

thru-thinker [-striker!]

Lamar Powell wrote:

> Many years ago, they made matches that could be struck on about any dry,
> rough surface. We (Boy Scouts) would take enough of these matches to form
> a bundle about as big around as a quarter. The bundle would be held with
> twine, all the match head would be on the same end. We let candle wax
> drip all over the bundle so as to form a water proof coating.
> After our firewood was in place, we'd strike the little "fire bug" as we
> call it, and set it in the kindling. It would burn long and hot and would
> always start our fire provided we had put enough of the right kind of
> kindling and wood in place.
> I guess "kitchen matches" could still be used to make this sort of fire
> starter but an alternate method would have to be used to set it afire.
> Hopeful
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