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[at-l] Packing a Blown Back

> That is an error. Spinal/back problems usually
> get better, regardless of what is done to/for
> the person.

Ah, many ap-o-lo-gies...  Should have said, 'degenerative
spinal problems' and not just 'spinal problems'.  Spinal
problems do often get better, as OB pointed out, but
degenerative problems tend to get worse even though they can
get managed.  I didn't mean to spread bad information, I was
just in a hurry.  Thanks for the correction.

Having had back problems that have totally been 'fixed', I
have been pretty lucky.  If someone could just fix the
bursitis in both shoulders, THEN I'd be thrilled...

A case in the opposite direction is a very good lady friend
of mine.  She has no less than three separate issues with
her spine, all of them painful.  She recently went to a pain
management clinic and had nerve-blocking shots.  For the
first time in years, she's pain free - which is wonderful.
Her back, however, isn't at all 'better' just because she
isn't in pain.  In fact, she's had a slew of other symptoms
now that are probably a result of pinching nerves in a back
that should be regarded as 'crippled'...
