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[at-l] Where do you get cold first?

I think both are correct that both the blood flow in the kidneys as
well as in the large leg flexors along the lumbar region. I'd be
concerned with poor hydration and inadequate calories if you get this
often. Usually, there is enough of a fat pad in that area to avoid that
problem. It is pretty common to try to rewarm that area early if there
is impending hypothermia.


--- "Ferguson, J. Mark" <Ferguson@cwf.org> wrote:
> Often this is caused by tensing the muscles as a reaction to the
> cold.  Can also get you in the shoulders from the unconcious hunching
> of same that the body does to make itself more compact.  The bod
> tries to roll itself into a ball to keep warm, like what position to
> you wake up in if the covers slip off you on a cold night...a ball
> (aka fetal for the more picky).

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