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[at-l] Thanks

Just wanted to thank everyone for all the great responses.  I don't think I 
will be winning any peeing contests, but I will sure give it my best shot.  
You guys seem like a great bunch of folks, but enough of the mushy stuff.  As 
far as help, I need anything and everything.  At the moment, I could use some 
advise on where to start.  I'm trying to read everything I can get my hands 
on, and I think I'm ready to start acquiring some gear.  Like I said, I have 
virtually zero experience, but I'm determined to do things right.  My hope is 
to do a thru on the AT in 2004.  (2003 would be great, but I just don't see 
it happening)  So I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment by all the 
choices.  Does anyone have any ideas on where to start.  My cash flow is a 
little limited, so what do I need most to get started?  I live in nothwestern 
CT, any suggestions for dayhikes around here?

Felix-  Sure, I'll marry you.  So long as you don't mind my five ex-husbands, 
12 kids, and my lover, Raoul........... Don't bother with the socks, I'll 
leave mine dirty too!

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