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[at-l] RE: Why the Grand Unification Theory - isn't

I'm not certain what islamic legal classification has to do with the AT, but when nonsense such as
the following appears I will comment.

> He does subscribe to Sharia (Koranic law) and believes that
> it would be appropriate to apply Sharia to Salman Rushdie's
> alleged blasphemy -- the punishment for which is death.  He
> is very explicit about this on his website.

To allege that someone subscribes to the sharia is sort of like saying some one subscribes to the
law. It's meaningless. Islamic "law" -- sharia -- has many different varieties and schools and
sources and interpretations ... 

To make another, slightly more topical, analogy: "He does subscribe to environmentalism" means
what? Bush qualifies as an environmentalist as much as the enviro terrorists do.

Or, "He does subscribe to the constitution" means what? He's posse comitatus or a supreme court

In the nine months since WTC ignorance about muslims seems to have mushroomed. AT-L isn't the
place to educate anyone about sharia ...

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