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[at-l] Thoughts of Slackpacking: WAS: Helping a newbieupdate: Warren's School Report 1

At 10:27 PM 4/16/02 -0500, Shane Steinkamp wrote:
>Background:  Bob has been talking about thruhiking for a few
>years.  It has literally been a lifelong dream.  He has been
>set on what he calls his 'pilgrimage'.  For many years he
>has had specific plans of long distance, days on end,
>wilderness hiking.  Lately he has had a lot of self doubt on
>the subject.  Now, BOOM, here is a way he can get out of the
>heavyish pack, hiking food, and sleeping outdoors.
Okay, I have one experience with Warren Doyle's approach to thru-hiking and 
that was his morning long (emphasis on long) workshop at the Gathering.  I 
have no doubt that he knows whereof he speaks but my impression is that 
Warren's definition of a thru-hike is simply getting from Springer to 
Katadhin, meaning what counts with Warren is the miles.  He's big on 
completion.  If that's the most important thing for Bob then Warren's 
advice is probably great, but as I said before, Bob has to decide what's 
important to him before he makes this decision.  Just my opinion.
