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[at-l] FW: [at-l] Keep the List Friendly (AT-L/ATC fundraiser)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shane Steinkamp" <shane@theplacewithnoname.com>
> Now I'm starting to believe that Felix is Hunter S. Thompson...

Close but no marijuana cigar.  Hunter and I were married in a secret
ceremony on his ranch a few years back and I can say with some authority
that Felix (swell as he is, God love him) and S. are not the same person.
The disbelievers among you can ask any of those who were there because it
wasn't entirely secret. S. didn't want the press gettin' hold of the story
and gettin' it all screwed up so we inivited a few of our close friends as
witnesses:  Fidel and Lady Bird were there together, Jerry Brown, Pat Nixon
who refused to share her Southern Comfort with Lady Bird, Lou Rukyeser who
did too much purple dot and started pretending he was a horse galloping
around shouting "Ride me!, Ride me!  Linda Ronstadt, of course, who came
with Magic Johnson, Dylan did a number, Oliver Stone, Henry Kissenger
brought Imelda Marcos (that gal can dance!), Keith Richards sat out in the
barn the whole time with Tammy-Faye who cut the eyelashes off one of the
horses. Rudy Gulliani showed up for the reception already drunk. Later he
threw up on Dick Cheney's wife.  Arafat, whom we didn't think was going to
come until Nancy reminded him how much fun he wasn't having.  Noam Chomsky
was there and some Mennonites from Ohio that I didn't know S. knew.  Harvey
Fierstein came with them.  Seems S got to know the Mennonites one weekend
in Vegas while he was hanging out with the Hell's Angels.  Oh yeah, a bunch
of those guys showed up.  They worked security.  They were good too.  They
had Diane Sawyer down and hog-tied before she got out of her car.  They
threatened to tattoo a crucifix on her forhead if she didn't get the hell
out of there.  They shot the tires off Sam Donaldson's SUV.  Let's see, who
else,  uhhh George McGovern, who must have the only surviving Quaalude
stash in the world, and finally a couple snake handlers from Kentucky who
are distant relatives of S.'s.  They officiated.  Hunter wore his .44
magnums.  I was really pissed at Pat because she wore the same dress I did
so I peed in her Southern Comfort.  First rate barbeque don't you know.  At
one point we had a moment of silence for Ed Abbey.

Felix was there of course.  He was S.'s best man.

> It's OK, I'm Elvis.
> I was thinking of writing a song about Ryan...

Well it's a'one for the money, a'two to shut up
Three to get ready, now pledge cat pledge
But don't you, step on my AT shoes!
Well you can say anything that ya want to
But uh-oh honey stay off'a my AT shoes.

I forgot how the rest of it goes.....Elvis? *


* This is a joke and any allusions to any real person living or dead, now
or in perpetuity, is purely coincidental.