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[at-l] 2 poles or one?

In a message dated 2/27/2002 5:06:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
thornel@attglobal.net writes:

> Keep what you have. Don't spend another dime on gear until you get out 
> there and find what works and what does not work for you.

That won't help him if he blows his knees out the first few weeks.  

Of course everyones different, but I started the trail with a wooden stick 
that Weary would have been pround of.  A combination of steep trail and 
having a too heavy pack wrecked havoc on my knees.  After a trail ending knee 
injury, I switched to two Lekis the following year to finish up.  (still had 
the heavy pack) 

Since that time, I've hiked over 4000 miles and haven't had any knee problems 
what so ever.  My opinion, two poles work best.


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