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[at-l] Re: planning - was: my 31 drops...

At 07:18 PM 2/11/02 +0000, Jim Owen wrote:

>I spent a lot of time planning my AT thruhike - with the realization that 
>once I got out there the plan WOULD fall apart - and that I wouldn't care.
>It did  -- and I didn't.

As I said, I did a good deal of planning for my own hike, which
ended up lasting two months...  in other words -- far more time
planning than actually doing the deed.

You make some very good points.  The process of planning is
useful, quite likely, even if the Plan itself will be tossed.

Believe it or not, there was a father-son duo on the trail in
'90 who had their itinerary written, shelter by shelter, for their
entire hike, before they began.  Now that's what I call anal.

They did finish, by the way, but I believe their schedule took
a bit of a beating.

I just don't think folks should be under any delusions that
planning somehow ensures success.  Those who act like
the biggest buffoons at Stove Creek Shelter may just be
the ones to finish (and vice versa.)  You never know.

rafe b.
aka terrapin