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[at-l] Re: Sticky fingers....

sAunTerer wrote

>One of the tales of the AT is the thru-hiker who caught a rattler, =
>him with a bit of cord and fastened him to the tree he left his pack=20
>against while he went to town.  The pack was untouched when he came =
back to=20
>turn the rattler loose and hike on.

This exploit appeared in Larry Luxemburg's "Walking the Appalachian =
Trail" which is a rather well written (IMHO) series of profiles of =
notable and notorious thru-hikers and other AT notables.  He includes =
Myron Avery (of course), Grandma Gatewood, Dave Horton, Earl Shaffer, =
Warren Doyle, and many many more.

This episode is attributed to Harry "The Indian" Thomas. Harry was a =
Winnebago from Nebraska who spent much of his life out of doors.  It was =
said at Humpback Rocks, Virginia he tied a big rattler to a tree and =
leaned his pack against it.  Upon returning he freed the snake.

Great story, great book.

BUT ... don't try this at home.


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