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[at-l] Ron's Frozen Mystery Bottle

    My guess would be that your sauna hut acted as a heat trap while the 
outside temperatures remained cold enough to freeze the ground preventing 
heat from escaping into the air. This created a flow through the hut from the 
ground where the warm subsurface air flow was kept open by warm inside 
temperatures in the hut. 

    When the thaw happened the ground experienced an unlocking of the heat 
blocking frozen surface allowing heat to escape directly into the air from 
the ground. When this happened the heat flow through the hut reversed from 
the ground being a much larger flow, therefore having much more pulling power 
for airflow. 

    As soon as the outside temperature dropped the still continuing reverse 
flow from outside in brought freezing temperatures into the hut and froze the 

     - Wile E Coyote   - Super Genius...


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