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[at-l] Max Patch to Hot Springs - WOOHOO! Trip report (long)

--- Delita Wright <delita@mindspring.com> wrote:

> But - I had this little epiphany, where I realized:  I didn't
> have to hike the whole trail.  I didn't even have to hike the
> long part that was visible in front of me up to the next
> turn.  All I had to do was take one step.  I got so tickled
> with that thought that I forgot about being intimidated and
> the next time I thought about it I was just starting to
> descend - my second mountain!!   LOL

### This is disgusting. The little "epiphany" of which Delita
writes above took me a cool THOUSAND MILES to learn.
Boy. Some people.

(whose most often given advice to thoroughhikers is "Wake up
every morning and say 'I'm not going to make it to Katahdin
*today*.' and know that if you say that every morning, without
fail, then one day you'll be *wrong*.)

Spatior, Nitor, Nitor, In Nitor!

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