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[at-l] hoosierland crafts

Indiana AT Clubbers -- I belive this is the same black
colored Wal-mart pot that the pot cozy was being
designed to on Sloetoe's dining room table last

Ahh...we had arts and crafts over here in Hoosierland
last weekend. Sloetoe played Martha Stewart. So cute
in that apron with the words, "My thru-hiking friends
went to Katahdin and all I got..."


*****yes as a matter of fact it was the same grease
pot...and you know without arts therapy they would not
let us out of the state...something about the
twitching when we get within sight of
mountains....only controlled by therapy...thanks
Sloetoe you made it possible for the 6 Hoosiers to get
travel permits for the Ruck....

missing kink

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