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[at-l] gun questions

>From: "Phil Heffington" <Phil.Heffington@oc.edu>

>Let's suppose, for the sake of argument, that we concede the point that a 
>gun carried by a hiker........

>1.  Where would you carry the gun?  If you carry it where it can be
>easily accessible, then wouldn't it be in view of others?

Holstered above or in boot, between my external frame pack and my back, in 
my groin, easily retrivable in those places.  I'll never tell where.  :o)

>2.  Where are the places on the trail where federal, state or local gun 
>permits are necessary to carry a gun?
Depends on what sort of license you have to carry a HANDGUN.

Are they legal in the national parks?

What cities require gun permits on the trail?

>3.  How heavy must the gun be to be large enough to stop a bear?  Would a 
>wounded bear be more likely to retreat, or would they be merely provoked 
>into a more vicious attack?

Bear?  They are only a problem in two areas anyway.  I'd be more worried 
about the non-backpacking public.

Charter Member RAS

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