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[at-l] My biggest lesson - Try this at home

My biggest lesson has been how much I'm getting out of all
this John O style (backyard, around town) testing I've been
doing in the last week.  So much, that I know will make things
easier and safer for me *out there.*  Maybe I should say,
safer and easier.

I have read several serious hiking books over the years, and
been on this and other hiker lists on and off for about half
of the last 2.5 years.  But nothing - nothing - could have
given me the knowledge and confidence I have acquired while
trying out different combinations of gear.

I'm sold, and from now on will shamelessly experiment with all
the usual and unusual combinations of gear I can come up with,
in the all the usual and unusual situations I can manage.
More overnights in local state parks and 2-3 day hikes just
about anywhere are called for, too. ;->

For those of you who - like me - are inexperienced and
gathering gear, I heartily recommend it all.  And don't forget
to meal and snack test!

Oh, for science and backpacking!

Delita Wright
Chapel Hill, NC


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