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[at-l] Re: Question of Cost


Welcome to the list.  

First, you may actually be able to make it to Katahdin
in your timeframe, but that depends on your speed,
days off and desire to "hurry" a bit.  But it is
do-able.  However, I am the last person who would
recommend that you hurry; I took 7 months and smelled
all the roses.  If I were you, I'd also probably plan
on making it only as far as I make it, i.e., no real
plans or schedule.  Just see where you end up.

Second, $3500-4000 should be just right for a 4.5
month hike.  You should be able to eat well, stay in a
few hotels/hostels and travel to/from the trail on
that money.  


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