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[at-l] pt 1: A question of money: estimation of throughhike costs

In a message dated 12/13/01 1:38:03 PM Central Standard Time, 
sloetoe@yahoo.com writes:

> OK, a lot of people have posted wisdom on this subject;
   WOW! Sloetoe, that was some post. Very informative (after I put up my 
calculator ... just teasing) The only thing I would add is this: I am 5'4" 
and normally weigh 114 lbs. Before going GA to ME, I gained 20 extra pounds 
(I know it is a rough job, but someone has to do it. Chocolate anyone? ) It 
was a good thing, as I weighed 104 lbs when I got to VT. Stabilized my weight 
by doing fewer miles per day (stopped all those 20 plus days), and adding 
olive oil to supper, Lipton something with fish something. Also added more 
protein. I had gotten' into that doing more miles requires more calories that 
requires more food that weighs more that requires more calories to 
carry....yada,yada,yada :p}

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