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[at-l] Possible Virus?

Most versions of outlook default to culling address book entries from
any message they see, so that's where these unknowns come from.

RoksnRoots@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/13/01 11:19:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> ryan@hack.net writes:
>> .   The confusing part is not
>> only does it come from someone you know (you're in their address
>> book), but it
>> picks a random  subject from your inbox as well.
>    *** The person attached to the return address was someone I've
> never heard of. Unless they stored my address without my knowing them,
> I would say it was random List related. The addresses are usually new
> and from strange, small operation servers I've never heard of. If I
> have a borer worm (no need to open attachment), my simple use of the
> net has not given it a chance to get me that I have detected...

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