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[at-l] Hello, Goodbye, I don't know why...

> pee on the campfire deluxe!'
"Ya know TJ, that's just plain NASTY!
Can you tell me what the hell a smashmellow is?"
Hi Ron!
Yeah, peeing on a campfire that other people are enjoying is rather nasty. 
Smashmallows? In this context, it's an at-l-ism. Many at-lers like to think 
of the list as a virtual campfire. We sit around and watch, comment, tell 
stories, swap gossip, dream dreams outloud, listen and talk too much, pass 
pictures around, hug folks who need a hug, slap a few who need slapping, 
tease and joke, learn and teach, wonder and explain, make plans, answer 
questions and question answers. Some people stay, some go, some leave, some 
tend the fire and some stir up the flames. When someone comes to the 
campfire, they're often encouraged to pull up a log and grab a 'smashmallow' 
(a s'more, or a marshmallow to toast). 
Once in a while someone will come flying out of the shadows, a-hollering and 
a-raving, and 'pees on the campfire.' Most times they're offered a 
smashmallow too.
TJ < is shy, pees on trees

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