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[at-l] meeses

--- Mark Hudson <hudsom@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> <<then the question... boiled whole or fileted and fried? It seemed
only fair, considering......>>
> Hey Sloetoe, ever see that Farley Mowat movie? I think it was
> called 'Never Cry Wolf'...
> where he's making the mouse kabobs, and the ever favorite mouse on
> toast?
> Yep, thruhikers will eat anything...

### Yup-yupyup.... reminds me of the intermission/episode break hiker
on the Trailside video on the AT. A very droll-humored hiker goes
through a monotone litany of what hikers eat, tossing the packages in
front of the camera... "Grits, oats, rolled oats, oatmeal,
oatmeal&raisons, raisons&peanuts, peanut butter, jelly, jellied ham,
ham&eggs, eggs&cheese, mac&cheese, noodles and cheese, cheesey
cheese, cheese&sausage, dried sausage, smoked sausage, sausage grits,
grits, oats, ......" I thought of that movie, and thought "Hmmmm,
mouse frickazie, mouse soup, mouse-b-q, ...."

Spatior, Nitor, Nitor, In Nitor!

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