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[at-l] Quantum Field Theory of Baggage loss on Greyhound

At 02:20 PM 10/2/01 -0500, Phil Heffington wrote:

>Anklebear, don't you know that having your pack stolen at Damascus at
>Trail Days is merely an extension of riding the bus?

HA!!!!  But in actuality, it is their idiotic practice of making you board the
bus before they load the luggage which is stupid from the get go!!  If they
didn't forced you to get on the bus, but allowed you to wait and watch the
luggage being loaded, you could raise holey hell right there and then if your
pack wasn't on board.  But nooooooooo.......they don't want you to see how
they kick, toss and stomp on everyone's stuff to force it into those 
so you never know which handler to later hunt down or never know your
pack is still  in Albuquerque.......I REFUSE to ride a bus!!!!!

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