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[at-l] Ready's Journal : SEPT 6 TD 85

A birthday party and we missed it  awwww.......shucks
You can write to Ready    readyhiker@pocketmail.com

Happy Birthday to Spur! 52 years young, or - if you prescribe
to the notion that you count *backwards* in a year that you
hike the entire AT - a mere 46.
We had a rushed morning getting ready to hike. We scarfed
down a quick breakfast at Addie's and were off to South Arm
Road. Today we were to hike 13 miles to US 17.
There was a series of ups and downs today, starting with a
climb, of course. We were carrying lighter packs - only the
food and gear we'd need for the day.
It was a brisk morning and we hiked for a short time in our
fleece sweaters. It was some time before we felt comfortable
switching to only our tank tops. Fall was definitely in the air.
It was as clear a day as we could hope for, blue skies and light,
wispy clouds. Atop Bemis Mtn we got above treeline, enjoying
splendid almost 360* views.
As we hiked today we enjoyed a heartfelt talk; the miles slipped
by almost unnoticed. We reached the empty Bemis Lean-To for
a wonderful lunch of turkey sandwiches and cold soft drinks we'd
packed in, along with cookies and a RingDing cake complete with
a match stick birthday candle for Spur.
As we were leaving the Lean-To, Angry Jack and Lollipop stopped
to have a snack. They must have left shortly after we did, because
they'd caught up with us awhile later, and we all 4 hiked together
for a stretch. They stopped again, for their lunch break, when we
reached the Bemis Stream. We hiked on for the final mile of our day.
My leggenback (thanks for the new term, Sloetoe!) began bothering
me on one of the long descents, so it had been slow progress for
much of the afternoon.
The final mile was a steady ascent, so by the time we reached Rt 17,
I was feeling much better. Funny how I've done an about face, and
now look forward to climbs, where I used to dread them!
There at the trail crossing, waiting for us, was Pegleg. We were about
10 minutes early in arriving, but were already driving back to the hostel,
cold sodas in hand, thanks to our wonderfully kind host!
We ate dinner at Addie's Place again, did our final shopping for the next
  3 days' meals on the trail, and were back at the hostel by 8 PM. A whole
  slew of new hikers had arrived: Spider & his lab, Girl (whom we hadn't
seen since PA), Toast, Sunshine, Buttah & his dog, Lucille, and several
others whose names I didn't catch.
We had learned from some of the hikers that Jackrabbit and Isis were
at the Cabin, having completed the Mahoosuc Notch and Arm today.
We managed to get a ride with Pegleg out to visit them briefly so that
Spur could give Jack rabbit some audio tapes that he thought she'd
enjoy. They were there, along with Greensinger, Tiki and Porkchop.
All of them were in great spirits.
When we got back to the hostel we surprised Spur with a really poor
rendition of "Happy Birthday" sung by all the hikers there and a really
exceptional birthday cake (chocolate, of course) baked by Sandra.
We would be getting up early tomorrow for our onward hike, so we
were up in our room packing, doing our journaling and sleeping by 10 PM.

OK..that's all folks...GET TO WORK!!!!! <g>  the economy is depressed
enuff without ya'll goofing off!!!

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