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[at-l] Ozark Highlands Trail

Hi y'all,

I'm planning to take a month or so off next spring
between quitting my job and moving to North Carolina.
I want to spend that month hiking! I've thought of
several options for trails to hike in April/May. The
top two so far are Section Hike #1 of the PCT and the
Ozark Highlands Trail. I'm kinda leaning toward the
OHT, since it's close to home and it would be a lot
cheaper to drive from Louisiana to Arkansas than it
would be to fly out to LA.

If anyone out there in AT-L land have hiked the OHT or
parts of it, I'd love to hear from you.

ME-GA 2000

Visit the Louisiana Hiking Club at http://www.geocities.com/louisianahikingclub
Visit my ME-GA 2000 thru-hike updates at http://www.gorp.com/gorp/activity/hiking/thruhike/nina/ninab_archive.htm.

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