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[at-l] Backpacks, the good, the bad, the useless...?

Click and Clack, the car guys on NPR, often say that whoever goes
cheapest - goes broke first. Yet there is something to be said for
economy. Most of us have a few extra packs in the gear closet from
either grabbing a poorly conceived bargain or racing through the
shopping process during a sale.

The Bible says to be kind to your ass, for it bears you. When hiking,
you are your ass. If you are unkind by putting a poorly fitting pack on
your back, you will kick and buck and complain for many days. Some will
try out packs at the large gear shops and purchase elsewhere. Others do
the flea market and newspaper ad thing, trying the gear out before
parting with their money. Others are well versed in gear and find
bargains on eBay (I have).

Each gear company has strengths and weaknesses. TNF is famous for
bullet proof but heavy equipment. The G4 (not found in stores) is
famous for light weight but less durable (although Nimblewill Nomad's
lastest over 11,000 and is on its second owner). MountainSmith has
lightweight and good reputation. Kelty has excellent external and
internal frame packs that many praise and curse. 

Why not find out who is in your neighborhood with a gear closet, try
out a few, go camping a few weekends, and then make that purchase.


--- Joni Haas <LaRue816@excite.com> wrote:
> ... Are there some brands I should avoid? Is an
> external frame more advantageous? Should I even consider buying a
> pack I cant try on first? 

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