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Fwd: [at-l] What do you want?

Marielle & Paul wrote:
>But when I saw the above question, I had to speak out. I did not see the 
>original post but I assume it is correctly stated above. If so, I think 
>that the question is loaded. I suppose I could word the same question as 
>follows: Do you want to discuss issues that relate to the AT and hiking or 
>do you want to sit around smiling and agreeing with each other and passing 
>marshmallows around the campfire.  BTW I do not know for certain who posted 
>the original but I think I know who did.
>**One of the best things about the AT that I have ever read are the Thru 
>Hiking Papers.  It really expresses the way I feel about the trail. I wish 
>I could write as well as the author.   I have often referred people to this 
>material and will continue to do so.  However I must say I found myself 
>shocked to read some of the posts by this same person in the recent 

PA -
I'm going to say "thank you".  I originated the question - and I wondered 
what would come back.  I'm not ecstatically happy about everything you wrote 
- but you were honest, as were several others - and at least for my part, 
that's appreciated.  And I'd like to believe that your words will have a 
greater effect on the list than all the flames that have been generated over 
the last couple weeks.

The Thruhiking Papers -- What you may not realize is that they were born in 
smoke and flame and a lot of pain.  Not just on the Trail, but before and 
after as well, and much of it on this list. They were written as a result of 
the flame wars that we had here years ago.  (Maybe we need more flame wars?) 
The point is that they came from real knowledge, real emotion, real 
experience. When I update them it'll be from the same source.

If you've been shocked about what I've written here over the last several 
weeks, then remember that this comes from the same well as the Thruhiking 
Papers - it comes from what's real in my life, from what I am, from the 
central core of what I believe, from my perception of reality.  Recently 
Jack said that I may be full of sh** but at least I'm up front about it. You 
are entitled to your own opinion about that.  But understand that I said 
what I believed needed to be said at the time. YMMV

Weary is another matter - he and I have somehow, without any intention on my 
part (or, I believe, his), apparently become antagonists.  We've managed to 
consistently misunderstand each other and rub each other the wrong way - and 
that's not good.  Maybe when he gets back we can fix that.

For the list as a whole - I've said this before and I'll say it again.  If 
there's anyone out there who's afraid to post on this list then the list 
isn't doing its job.  And that's not a reflection on Ryan, but rather on 
those of us who live here and post here.  We all want this to be an open 
list, where everyone is free to give an opinion or share their experiences. 
In light of recent events on both this list and another, I'll also add a 
personal observation.  If you're trying to make a point and you can't make 
your case *on the list* in an open forum in 2 or 3 posts, then either you 
haven't presented the right information or you haven't presented it the 
right way or your case isn't worth making - or the other guy isn't listening 
and you're wasting bandwidth.

Walk softly,

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