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[at-l] And now, a scenic break....

In a message dated 05/25/2001 3:07:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
charles@uswnet.com writes:

> How long before the Benton-Mackaye Trail reaches the AT in Tennessee?  Now
> *thats* a solitary trail and would be a nice alternate to the AT (at least
> until it becomes crowded too).
> I hike a lot with my Scouts and I know they irritate some hikers because
> they are so $&%*@#! noisy.  Sorry about that.  I've taken them on the
> Benton-Mackaye - partly to keep them from annoying the AT hikers and partly
> because its also a beautiful trail.

They're kids, don't sweat it...   I've been there done that (my outdoors 
experience started in Boy Scouts).

> Has anyone been around when the Rangers do their exercises around Springer.
> Talk about noisy! (but really, really cool).

I'd love to see that... I spent 6 years in the Air Force, but I'm not 
prejudiced against Army Rangers.  No matter what speed they go by me...


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