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[at-l] Fwd: Apology to People's Republic of China

--- kahley7 <kahley7@ptd.net> wrote:
> Miriam says: to SPY.....1 : to watch secretly usually for hostile
> We were not spying. It was a reconnaissance mission
> RECONNAISSANCE...1 : a preliminary survey to gain information;

### Sayyyyyyy, k, while we're on the road to recovery here, what's ol'
Miriam say about OVERT (which this mission was and had always been)
                COVERT (which is how the Chinese have attempted to bend

(who just woke from a nap having the scariest dream, in which he'd looked
up "Mindless Reactionary" in the dictionary, and saw his own picture.
Actually it was Sloetoe and WildBill together, kissing Felix' sign,
holding opposite arms aloft with big Polish Sausages in them. VERY scary.)

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