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[at-l] life

Wading thru all my weekends worth of e-mail dumps from the at-l digest...
no comment...

Yesterday was the anniversary of my thru-hike start. How could it possilby
have been nine years ago???? Tipped a beer to celebrate.... Getting excited
about the Colorado Trail, so I have another thru to look forward to. Made a
trip to Trader Joes in Scarsdale yesterday to stock up on goodies (Cliff
bars at 99 cents for one). Realizing that I could fit a hundred dollars
worth of groceries in two bags was rather depressing (I usually shop for
one, in the express check out no less...) but I know that it will pay off
when I'm opening up mail maildrops.

Saturday I did a loop around Breakneck Ridge, three and a half hours, two
good climbs, and a lot of hardpack snow. More training, incentive to deal
with sucking wind at high altitude...

So Felix, couldn't tell whether 'Skeeter' was the dog or one of the kids,
huh? I'm still weighing that one... trying to decide whether it's worth
getting even for <lol>....
