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[at-l] Snakes

In a message dated 3/25/2001 7:14:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
gbuffmd@bellsouth.net writes:

> 1.  Don't worry about snake bite.  I know of no one bitten by a poisonous
> snake on the AT in several years.

The only one I know of was in 1989. It was a thru-hiker who was sleeping in a 
rocky area under a highway bridge. VA 614 over Jennings Creek.
The story as I heard it:
He was bitten a couple of time while he was asleep. When he woke up his arm 
was swollen about twice the size as normal. At this time he didn't even know 
he had been bitten by a snake. When he got to the ER the doctor there, found 
the bite marks. They thank he had been bitten by a copperhead. After recovery 
he was able to complete his thru-hike.


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