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In a message dated 3/6/2001 9:55:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, daveh@usit.net 

> Is there any hope that someday, folk will say "it's ok, the area needs the
> rain!"  

I am not yet a thruhiker and  maybe I am one of the unusual ones but I love 
to hike in the rain. Especially if its the drizzly kind, not the pouring 
buckets kind. The wildflowers, mountain laurels, etc all have a deeper, 
richer color. The air is full of earthy fragrances and you don't have to 
worry about water sources.  

I have hiked sections that were primarily rainy and sections in mostly 
sunshine and it's the overcast, rainy ones that I have the fondest memories 
of.  And then, when the sun finally does come out, you are bombarded with 
butterflies, birds, and insects that were all holed up with the rain. 

I think I need to get on the trail soon......

You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns 
have roses. -Ziggy 

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