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Challenger...... Re: [at-l] Space shuttle Atlantis

In a message dated 2/8/2001 6:47:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
vhoyt@mediaone.net writes:

> > ### I saw the Challenger launch on TV in 1986 (January, was it?). I was a
> > proof operator (the financial version of a dishwasher) at a crooked little
> > bank in Bloomington, Indiana, and was uncharacteristically home for lunch.
> Strange to bring up that terrible memory. I had just walked into a diner on
> First Ave. in NewYork City. I glanced up at the TV on the wall just as the
> booster exploded. It took about thirty seconds for the conversation in the

That does bring back haunting memories.  I was standing in the ED waiting 
room about to call a patient's name and saw it on the waiting room TV. I 
stumbled back into the ED and could barely get the words out to tell my 
co-workers.  It's probably the first time I remember the country ever being 
in mourning as a whole country since I was a babe in arms during the early 

It wasn't just that generation of kids that had their innocence torn away, 
but many from the generation before it. 


If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance. 

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