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[at-l] hiking situation changed?

At 04:11 PM 1/18/01 -0600, Billie H. Cleek wrote:
>Thru-hiking this year is non-essential.To most people hiking at all is

I'm sorry Billie.  I was flip when you obviously were looking for serious
input.  You are right.  It isn't essential to most people.  But for many
of us it's the dream/goal of a lifetime.

I'm gonna do something I rarely ever do.
To quote 'he who shall be nameless on this list',

"You'll thruhike when thruhiking is the MOST IMPORTANT THING
you could possibly be doing at that time.'

It's pretty simple and very true.  We make choices as to
what we want to do next.  Someone has offered you a second chance
to make that choice. It's up to you to decide what is most important now.

There is no sin in not thruing if thruing is not what you want to do most.
Nor is there shame in wanting to do in own your own, even if that means
waiting awhile.
Good luck with your decision!