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[at-l] costs

I kept a fairly detailed account of where I spent money on my AT98 hike ($3200 including gear purchased on the way and transportation home).  

Trail food (and some related postage) topped the list.

I was surprised at the amount spent on "town food," or food I bought in resturants along the way.  Since I rarely drink, beer was not a major expense.  I could easily cut my hike costs by $300 by purchasing food at the grocery store and cooking at the hostel.

I also lived a little high on the lodging.  I could have saved about $200 if I had camped in Waynesboro at the YMCA, skipped the B&B in Mass, stayed in the Fontana Hilton, etc.  

I am budgetting $500 / month for my MEGA'2001 hike, with an additional $1000 emergency / fun fund.  

Grace & Peace,
Terry Norton

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