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Re: [at-l] Graymor

Now wait a minute here backpackers, the 14th Amendment was NEVER ratified --
Taxes are being Collected by the IRS and the US Guvmint ILLEGALLY  --- yes,
illegally.   So if corporations and churches and agencies and organizations
don't pay taxes or pay less, then THEY are to be commended for NOT adhering
to an illegal law!  They are doing what's Lawful and you and I and others
are being forced by threat and under duress to do the UNlawful.

Think about it,

>I take umbrage with the taxable status of any corporation, period.  >Trail
related - all of my hikes reap dividends.....

* From the AT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
