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[at-l] CNN - Ban on FS roads

Have you read this lead article?


"A Clinton administration plan to ban roads for mining, logging and other
traffic in many U.S. Forests has sparked a record 500,000 comments from the
public, with most either backing the proposal or saying it doesn't go far
enough to protect the environment."
copyright cnn news


has the rest of the article

Considering that here in No Ga the position of most is against giving up 8%
more of the Chattahoochee National Forest to add to the other 8% that's
roadless.   These are the children of those who took the land from the
Cherokee and the Creek, and they're the ones yelling the loudest about
returning all of 16% of the Forest in the State to its natural state.

They have even compared the USFS position as like that of the period of the
Cherokee Removal.   Only THIS time, the 'white-man' is on the 'other' side
of the equation and they don't like it one bit.

Duh, C

Where there is discord, let me bring harmony.  Where there is pain, let me
bring healing.  Where there is anger, let me bring forgiveness.   Where
there is war, let me bring peace.

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