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[at-l] re:trip report

University of the South (Sewanee) perimeter trail.  This is on Monteagle
Mtn. in Tn. about an hour northwest of Chattanooga.  The Perimeter Trail is
about 20 miles.  We decided to start hiking it in sections as time will
allow.  Sort of a mini preparation for an AT section hike.  We started out
hiking the trail through Shakerag Hollow (the name comes from the people who
would "shake their rag" to signal the moonshiners that they weren't feds) we
were searching for a mystical daffodil (buttercups to us southerners) trail
that was supposed to lead to a an old abandoned homestead.  We hiked it both
ways but never did find the elusive buttercups.  We did see some early
wildflowers (hepatica, toothwort, and bloodroot).  It was a beautiful day
with temperatures reaching close to 70.  Then after an incredible downpour
that night(No, I was not camping), we awoke to sunshine and somewhat cooler
temperatures.  We hiked the perimeter trail in the other direction for about
5 miles.  The creeks were swollen and the waterfalls and runoffs were
beautiful from the rain.  At one point we took a wrong turn and stumbled
upon a daffodil trail that led to an inhabited house (whoops) as we
backtracked we came upon a little pet cemetary beside the creek.  Two dogs
and a cat.  The cat's name was Muffy.  It was sort of touching.  The views
from this side of the mountain were incredible.  We could pick out houses
that we knew and even a chicken farm.  We were trying to get to the Forestry
Cabin but ran out of time.  We'll save it for the next section.  Nancy (aka
The Judge)

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