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Re: [at-l] ATML-- and ALDHA/ATC

Duh?  You stick that flag on a pole, and I'll salute it -- I wasn't talking
about YOUR personal flag that you own, the Concept of the American Flag and
what it stands for belongs to us ALL.  Just as the concept of the National
Trails belongs to us ALL.  No one person (other than the entity we
respectfully call the Federal Government or State Government) owns the
National or State Parks, Forests, etc lands.  They're owned 'in perpetuity'
to be enjoyed by all of us -- and we even let the Canadians (and other
visitors from other countries and nationalities) enjoy our parks and forests
too.  (Been to the Smoky Mountains lately?)

Also -- anyone who's done Trail Maintenance develops a very different
outlook about Trails than someone who hikes without maintaining.
Maintainers become much more protective of the Trail.

You gonna help us build the shelter?

So, you may have  a piece of fabric that is red-white-and-blue, but the
concept it stands for and what it represents is not your personal
property..... Who owns the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?  I have a
copy here, does that mean I can collect royalties from the Library of
Congress ?? (someone please say yes, there's a piece of gear I'm eyeing....)


-Coosa wrote:
>>                                It's not WF's trail, it's
>> OUR trail -- United States citizens -- it's a National
>> Treasure -- A NATIONAL TRAIL -- as in the US Flag doesn't
>> belong to any one person, it belongs to us ALL.
>I have to take exception to that. There's an American flag
>that I bought long ago collecting dust among my obsolete
>hiking gear, and it is all *mine*. You have zero claim to
>it -- even less than the one quarter billionth interest that
>satisfies some to claim federal parks are somehow "theirs."
>The day when that flag ceases to be my exclusive property
>is the day when I burn it.

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