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Re: [at-l] first of seven trips in virginia

This is SO great, a group of friends is working on a hike from Massey Gap to
Damascus for the Easter Weekend.  This is just about perfect, now WHERE is
Massey Gap?

Thanks for this info, Coosa

-----Original Message-----

>Well, I've been pouring over my ATC maps and books and perusing journals
>from different web pages across the internet and I've started planning out
>my section hike of Virginia.  >
>Day 1 -  Leave Damascus - Hike to Lost Mtn Shelter - 15.8 Miles
>Day 2 -  Lost Mtn Shelter -> Thomas Knob - 12.2 Miles
>Day 3 -  Thomas Knob -> Hurrican Campground Area - ~19.1 Miles
>Day 4 -  Hurrican CG area -> Mt Rogers HQ Shelter - 16.6 Miles
>Day 5 -  Mt Rogers HQ -> Davis Path Shelter - 14.3 Miles
>Day 6 -  Davis Path -> Route 42 to be picked up - 9.2 Miles

* From the AT-L |  Need help? http://www.backcountry.net/faq.html  *
