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[pct-l] Re: pct-l-digest V1 #506

Response to:
I'm curious about the proper use of the bear cans. Do you hang them like
you would a bear bag?

NEVER hang a bear canister. You just give the bear a handle to carry it
off. True, the bear won't get into it but you will have lost your food. The
big danger with a bear canister is it rolling down a cliff or into a
stream. If possible, find a depression 25 feet away from camp and simply
dump the canister there. The bear may roll it around but as long as the
canister must go uphill to go anywhere it won't go far. If this is not
possible, arrange rocks, branchs etc. to stop rolling anywhere dangerous
[like into your tent]. I have use 3 versions of the plastic canisters for
well over 100 nights on the JMT. Only twice have bears attemped entry-both
times unsuvccessful. I doubt seriously that any bear can get into them.

I would not trust counterbalancing on the JMT. Even done perfectly it
doesn't always work and doing it perfectly takes a long time

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