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[pct-l] was: Zip Stoves now:ham

>  The other drawback is everything starts to smell 
>like  soot.  And look like soot.     Beth

   Beth, this doesn't have a thing to do with Zip stoves, but I just
wanted to say how relieved I was to _finally_  see a post from somebody
who minds smoke-stink/soot! I hike by myself, and when, occasionally, I
run into other backpackers, they often invite me to share their campfires
- and are sometimes miffed when I (diplomatically) decline, but I just
can't stand to spend the rest of my trip reeking of ham! My longish
hair's the worst: even if I manage to manage a backcountry-type shampoo,
the smell stays in. Two years ago, I found myself hiking near a FS
un-Controlled Burn, when the wind changed. My tent (I rinse it out after
every trip -  dozens a year) still smells like a smokehouse inside.
   Won't even get into the soot-issue. I seem to be a magnet for stains,
anyway, but soot's the nastiest (well, maybe Kool Aid...), especially
after days of "setting". I don't build fires, & use a canister stove
partly for that reason, but inevitably manage to pick a rock-seat that
was once part of somebody's fire ring - usually after I've changed into 
white REI expedition-weight underwear, groan.
   Guys find this attitude a hoot, and tell me that the gradual
accumulation of filth is part of the "fun", but I gravitate toward the
more genteel notion of Upholding Standards  - or whatever the Victorian
explorers used to call it....[G]       bj

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