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[pct-l] RE M-80's

I think the Forest/Park service should charge $1 or $2 for a permit.
With the permit you are given a small packet of honey or something
else randomly chosen that bears like and hikers commonly carry.  The
honey or whatever is laced with ipecac (sp?), the stuff that make you
throw up.  Every time the bears got someones food, they would eat this
and get sick.  Bears are smart and may learn to stay away from
backpacker food.  I know I do...

Kevin Corcoran writes:
 >         One can't help but reflect on the fact that M-80's are lighter in
 > weight than any other equivalent noisemaker, so I guess they got that goin'
 > for 'em.:-)
 > Kevin Corcoran
 > * From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
Wayne E Dahl                  Coryphaeus Software Inc
408-395-4537                http://www.coryphaeus.com
wayne@coryphaeus.com                 fax 408-395-6351
The difference between a fool and a wise man is not the things
they know, it's the questions they ask...
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
