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[pct-l] Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are caused by an electrolyte(s) imbalance...  
Your body actually might NOT be lacking the potassium, sodium, magnesium,
and/or calcium, but rather WATER...  So, make sure you stay HYDRATED!

Most 'sport drinks' (IMHO) have too large a dosage of 'salts' - drank too much or
too often, the excess salts will draw more fluid out of muscle tissue to try and
balance the excess salts you just put into your stomach...

In short, stay hydrated, and if you take a daily multivitamin with potassium,
magnesium, calcium, etc. added - that should be more than enough along with
what's in your food... 

Google or Ask Jeeves "muscle cramps" and you will probably find out much more!

All the usual disclaimers - YMMV, HYOH, etc.

Happy trails!!!